As a kid in high school, my life plan seemed obvious: Graduate with a good GPA, get into a good college, graduate from that college and then it would be fancy living from there on out! With a diploma in hand, doors would swing wide open all around me and it wouldn't be longer before I found myself in a cushy job with a respectable apartment and my own top-of-the-line espresso machine.
Now with the countdown widget constantly blaring at me from the lower right hand corner, I discover for the first time in my life that I have no plan for myself; that I'm just going to have to just go with the flow...
Move back home or try and find work in town? Go to grad school? Internships and part-time nanny-ing? Run off and join the Peace Corps? Run off to Quebec where they're always hiring?
Life has never been more terrifying and exciting.
Photo: Breville Barista Express BES860XL
Retail: $599.99
Available at Bed, Bath & Beyond
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