Sunday, December 5, 2010


After several weeks of blizzards, presentations, papers, group projects, exams, quizzes, desperate last- minute preparations, farewell dinners, birthdays, 62 cups of coffee, a dozen e-mails, too much turkey and a few tears--I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel!

My 3.33 years as an undergrad and as a Bellinghamster are finally winding down; while I will in no way, shape or form miss trying to decipher Montaigne's essays or being dumbfounded by accounting and finance classes (that I never should have taken and should have just left it to the aspiring CPA's/masochists), I will definitely be a little heartbroken to leave behind the City of Subdued Excitement!

I will be posting a list of Bellingham "musts" before I graduate, based on my time here, so that future Vikings will know that there's so much more of this city to experience beyond Holly & Railroad. 

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